“You can’t fake your way through film acting,” she explains, “you’ve got to think the scene. And if what you’re thinking is, ‘film acting is weird’, the camera will see it!”
But she’s thoroughly enjoyed learning how to “act naturally” with Onalee Ames.
“I’ve become more intuitive. It’s helped my acting. In fact the whole class helps each other.”
She says the class has a What’s App group chat, where they support each other through auditions and questions about casting, head shots, etc. This camaraderie extends to the odd night out for drinks and a Christmas party this past year with karaoke. Could these good vibes be because now is such a good time to be a professional actor in Winnipeg?
Yes!” agrees Lexie. “Winnipeg doesn’t have enough actors right now to fill the parts. There is a demand. You don’t have to look a certain way. If you want to learn, Onalee won’t steer you wrong. Her approach to acting isn’t formulaic, it’s intuition and trusting your own choices. That’s what makes her so great.