“You Are Your Own Story.”


Like others in Onalee’s classes, Winnipegger Neil McRae first became interested in acting in high school. As part of Onalee’s Master Class, he describes the group as close-knit, and says he enjoyed the experience so much he has since branched out into studying stand-up comedy and screenwriting, also at the same school.

The most memorable moment he’s had in Onalee’s classes is feeling a surge of confidence in doing a difficult scene. It’s like something he compares to a critical moment in sports. “I felt like, put me in, Coach! I know I can do it!” 

In addition to this, Neil’s experienced another positive change, in himself. “I used to be reserved. Since taking the Master Class I have become much more outgoing.”  

He’s become so outgoing, in fact, his response is immediate and direct about what advice he would give to other actors or people who want to give this a try.

You’ve got to stay at it, be persistent, in order to succeed. It’s like training to be an Olympic athlete. I haven’t trained with others but there’s something about Onalee’s understanding of her students, her ability to give them individual attention, she completely earns your trust and devotion.

Neil McRae

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