“You Are Your Own Story.”


Acting is such a demanding profession. What happens if you decide to take a break? Do you forget how to act?

In the case of Chantal Kuegle, you just get better.  

Chantal was born in Winnipeg but grew up in Springfield. She first got interested in acting when she was 15 and studied with Onalee Ames, liking her intuitive approach. 

“Then I took a break. I lived in Asia for seven years. I came back finally and returned to Onalee’s classes, and she helped me use my recent life experiences to enrich my performances. I feel like I’ve improved as an actor, because now I’m coming at it from a deeper emotional level. That’s thanks to Onlaee and the interest she takes in her students as  individuals. She’s gold!  Since coming back, I’ve picked up work in an indie film and will be doing a play in the Winnipeg Fringe Festival.”

So, perhaps acting’s like riding a bike. But is it for everyone?

People should know, it’s never too late to be an actor! You can even use what we’re learning as life skills. Try it. Go on auditions. Onalee runs a supportive, safe space. If nothing else it’s therapeutic!


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